Online and Free Software Tools
01 shinySSVS
shinySSVS is an online application for performing stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) and visualizing the results. SSVS is a Bayesian variable selection method that can be used to estimate the probability that each of a set of candidate predictors be included in the model. The shiny application accepts a variety of data formats and includes functionality for continuous or binary outcome variables.
02 SSVS R package
SSVS is an R package available on CRAN for implementing stochastic search variable selection and visualizing the results. This package includes the same functionality as the shinySSVS web application, however native R users may prefer to call the functions from R. This can be useful for reproducing results from lots of models or running simulation studies.
03 ShinyDLRs
ShinyDLRs is an online application for performing ROC analysis to determine optimal diagnostic likelihood ratios (DLRs). DLRs are an important tool for evidence-based assessment.